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Россия солидарна с Ливией!
Новая песня А.Харчикова

Дата: 13.07.2011 15:57



Song of Alexander Khartchikov and Elena Gromova.

Stand firm, Muammar Gaddafi!

The burning sun of anxiety

Is shining above the Libyan Desert.

Here lies the stronghold of the Arabic world,

Here lies the Orient which never bows to the enemy,

Here we hear condemnations towards Europe

Here no one can have peaceful dreams anymore.

Here are our Libyan brothers and sisters,

They are ready to defend their homes to the last.

Be strong, Libya! Muammar, be strong!

My dear Russia, stand up for the truth!

Gaddafi! Jamahiriya! Libya mia-mia!

Allah, Muammar and Libya – and nothing else!

(Allah, Muammar, wa Libya, wa bas!)

Towns are frozen in apprehension –

Enemy warships are seen in the distance.

Don't give up, don't surrender, Colonel of the Desert!

You are the Hope and the Will of your Land!

You are the Blame against cowardly traitors!

You are people's Hero forever!

God disperse this black turmoil!

God let the Libyans smash their enemies!

Here comes another anxious morning.

Each new day is a small victory to us.

We are living in times of great hardships,

Times of great names!

Times of brave patriots,

As well as vile and mean traitors...

Colonel Gaddafi, beat harder

NATO's greedy hyenas!

My Colonel, Victory will be yours

Despite all obamas and sarkozis!

You are the Dictator of Liberty and Light,

And I wish you all the luck!

From now on, every breath, every instant of your life

Will be our common Victory!

We believe in you, Colonel!

Fatherland, Truth and God will always be with You!

Keep it up, Libya! Muammar, stand firm!

My dear Russia, stand up for Libya, stand up!

Let the alarm bell ring as an order!

Gaddafi is our brother! Wa Libya, wa bas!

(And Libya, and Libya – and nothing else!)

Россия солидарна с Ливией!

Россия солидарна с Муаммаром Каддафи!

Русский бард Александр Харчиков сочинил новую песню солидарности с ливийским народом. Стихи Елены Громовой и Александра Харчикова, музыка Александра Харчикова.

Видео для это песни – совместный труд российских друзей Ливии и ливийских друзей России.
